This pic was so good that she couldn't stop at just one. The photog is unknown, but these were submitted by The Killustrator of the Lehigh Valley Rollergirls. That's her as the jammer, along with two unidentified Morristown Madams (name 'em in the comments, please!).

Capped by The Killustrator

Capped by The Killustrator

Capped by Norma Jean Bruiser, LVRG
AND...introducing a new type of LOLlergirl. I get a lot of great blank pic submissions. My captioning skills--are not so gret, aktually. Ironic, no? So here's a chance for you, outside of the caption contests, to leave your captions in the comments (similar to
Gawker's "Open Captions"). So what do you like for this pic? Here's the blank to inspire you:

EDIT 2/12/08: Here's a captioned submission from Willy Callit: