Photo: Craig Lammes Submitted by Duchess of Torque, Charm City Roller Girls Skaters: Rainbow's Revenge (Harrisburg Area Roller Derby jammer) and Dolly Rocket (Charm City)
Caption courtesy of Boxy, the Box Officer of the Mad Rollin' Dolls!
Photo: Ennie S., Central Mass Roller Derby Capped and submitted by Wellen Dowd, Albany All Stars Roller Derby Skaters: Charlotte Bruise-a-Lot, Montreal Roller Derby (green kisser); Vilette Venom, Albany All Stars Roller Derby (kissee)
Photo taken, capped, and submitted by Ennie S., Central Mass Roller Derby
Skaters: Georgia W. Tush (jammer), Montreal Roller Derby, two ladies from the Albany All-Stars, and an unknown Montreal New Skid on the Block. Know who they are? Name 'em in the comments!
Photo: ? Capped and submitted by The Rev, Pioneer Valley Roller Derby Skaters: Virginia Slim, Harm City Homicide (jammer), Cirkle Jerk, CT Death Quads...and who is the CTDQ pivot? Let us know in the comments, plz!!