I Can Has Lead Jammer is very proud to announce that we now have supercool official ICHLJ tshirts available from Wicked Skatewear! You can has shirts with your favorite ICHLJ sayings on them!
Submitted by wolve-reen of Derby Revolution of Bakersfield Photo by Boss Hogg (derbydude.com) Skaters: Resident Vixen of Central Coast Roller Derby and Dred Blocker of DRB
Capped and submitted by Slim Fast of Suburbia Roller Derby Photo: Amanda Wallace Skaters: Suffah Kate, Ann Sane, Anya Nerves, Slim Fast; ref: MotorPsycho (all of Suburbia Roller Derby
Photo taken, capped and submitted by Bitches Bruze, Pioneer Valley Roller Derby's Western Mass Destruction Skaters: Joan'a Sparks (pivot) and Don't Care Bear of the New Jersey Hellrazors Ref: Will Jettison, PVRD's Dirty Dozen