HELP GGRD WIN $10,000!!

Help Gotham Girls Roller Derby assist the derby community with a $10,000 contribution from the new rock station 101.9 RXP -- "The New York Rock Experience!"
The new radio station 101.9 RXP "The New York Rock Experience" (101.9 FM) is hosting a special challenge for its listeners, and Gotham Girls Roller Derby could win $10,000 to help finance the continued production of national-quality roller derby competition for women in New York City, including training programs, local community outreach programs and skating workshops.
The Gotham Girls, should they win the grand prize, have additionally committed funds to assist the Tahirah Johnson Trust, benefiting the rehabilitation of Tequila Mockingbird, injured skater of Chicago's Windy City Rollers.
Help GGRD get the most votes and bring in $10,000 for derby!
All the details of the promotion are at:
Vote early, and vote often! You can vote ONCE A DAY FOR 45 DAYS from December 15th through January 30th, 2009. EVERY DAY COUNTS! So sign up for a daily reminder!
GGRD has set up a special e-mail list just for this promotion where supporters can sign up to receive a brief daily reminder to vote. Please sign up for the daily reminder to take one minute a day to help Tequila and GGRD's community outreach programs. Submit your e-mail address at the bottom of
Please tell friends to vote as well! Please forward them the text of this announcement and invite them to sign up for the daily voting reminder at
Every time you vote, or tell a friend to vote, you are making a huge difference for derby!
Gotham Girls Roller Derby NFP, Ltd. is a public charity, exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the league are deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.